We have worked with dozens of clients across the private and public sector in many different capacities.
We draw on our decades of engineering, chemistry, and resource management experience and our worldwide network of technical experts to offer our clients a broad range of sustainability services that are tailored to meet their unique needs.
Personal Care
We have developed ingredient scorecards, assessed human health and environmental toxicities of product formulations, conducted life cycle assessments, and crafted sustainability strategies for small niche brands and some of the world’s largest personal care brands.
Consumer Packaged Goods
We have conducted product life cycle assessments and helped improve environmental performance on a product-specific and company-wide basis through harnessing green chemistry and green engineering principles for some of the world’s largest CPG brands.
Consumer Electronics
We have conducted life cycle assessments of electronic equipment and helped numerous organizations define and incorporate Green IT principles into their corporate operations.
Government Agencies & Industry Groups
We have crafted green chemistry and green engineering strategies, hosted workshops, and developed sustainability roadmaps for national and international government entities.
Bulk & Specialty Chemicals
We have conducted carbon footprints, compared environmental and human health impacts of material alternatives, developed sustainability strategies, and built green chemistry and green engineering analysis and decision-making tools for some of the world’s largest chemical manufacturers.